Solana Ranch Elementary School is part of the Solana Beach School District.
Solana Ranch Elementary school is located in Pacific Highlands Ranch (PHR) community. It is located off of Pacific Highlands Ranch Parkway and Blazing Star Lane. Solana Ranch Elementary is walking distance to Pacific Highlands Ranch Village shopping center. The address of Solana Ranch Elementary is 13605 Pacific Highlands Ranch Pkwy.
This School has about 529 students attending classes from K-6th grade. The test scores of this school are far above state average scores and the school is consistently ranked 9/10 by greatschools.org. The student per teacher ratio data could not be found.
To view homes for sale in the Solana Ranch Elementary School zone click here.
To visit the school website click here.
Shirin Rezania Ramos | 858.345.0685 | www.shirinramos.com | Compass, DRE 0203379