- A REALTOR® provides updated information on the marketplace and helps sell your property at the best price, quickly, and with minimum hassle.
- They can recommend repairs or cosmetic work to enhance the salability of your property.
- A REALTOR® markets your property to other real estate agents and the public, utilizing cooperative relationships to benefit their clients.
- A REALTOR® know when, where, and how to advertise your property, and can prescreen and accompany qualified prospects through your property.
- They can help you objectively evaluate every buyer’s proposal and write a legally binding, win-win agreement.
- They can help close the sale of your home and objectively resolve any issues that may arise between the initial sales agreement and closing.
Ready to sell your home? click here.
Homes for sale in Carmel Valley click here.
Shirin Rezania Ramos | 858.345.0685 | www.shirinramos.com | Compass, DRE 0203379